Sending bitcoin from paper wallet to coinbase

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You can spend your Bitcoin using either way from Bitcoin paper wallet or directly from where you have imported your private keys. This way your private key will no longer be assigned to your bitcoins. Similarly, if any malicious computer program such as Trojan, is running into your machine then your private keys might get stolen. Also, when you import paper wallet using any medium your private keys get the internet exposure.

Once it happens there is no sense in using paper wallet. You can also sweep your private key if you would like to get your funds into your bank account. After sweeping your private key, you can easily sell your crypto assets. You can use block explorer services, like Blockchain.

Coinbase Wallet FAQ

If you really want to safeguard your coins then go for a hardware wallet which lets you store multiple coins at the same time. As mentioned above, there are multiple ways to import or sweep paper wallet. Here in the next steps, I will show you how to send Bitcoin from paper wallet by using Blockchain. Note that while the BTC got swept, minus a tx fee the Bitcoin Cash did not get swept, even though the BitPay app supports Bitcoin Cash and the paper wallet was pre-fork, since the sweep was a new, post-fork tx.

I was able to sweep the Bitcoin Cash from the paper wallet into a Electron-Cash for Mac by manually typing the private key. Sign up to join this community. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top.

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Import Paper Wallet To Blockchain Account - Beginners Guide

Jon Nylander Jon Nylander 1 1 silver badge 3 3 bronze badges. Tim S. We encourage you to back up your recovery phrase using both the cloud backup feature as well as writing down your recovery phrase and storing it in a secure location. To access the backup features, tap Settings , and then Recovery Phrase. Yes you can transfer funds between both products at any time. You can link your Coinbase. Connecting your accounts allows you to quickly and easily move funds between your Coinbase.

- Import private key to coinbase? - Bitcoin Stack Exchange

To transfer funds from Coinbase. To transfer funds from Coinbase Wallet to Coinbase. When prompted to enter the address you would like to send to, select Coinbase under suggested.

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All transfers between your Coinbase. They are completed on-chain and require confirmation on the network before being processed. All transfers from Coinbase Wallet to Coinbase. If you are sending an ERC token eg.