How blockstream took over bitcoin

We build crypto-financial infrastructure based on Bitcoin, the most robust and We believe in empowering individuals and businesses to take control of their.
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Why Blockstream Destroyed Bitcoin

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  1. Who Funds Bitcoin Development?.
  2. Thoughts on the future of finance.
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  5. The debate about cryptocurrency and energy consumption.
  6. BitMEX Blog. Forgot your password? Get help. Data on developer funding Based on publicly available information and speaking to certain individuals, who were happy with their details being made public, we have produced the following charts and tables, which we believe provides the most comprehensive picture of open source Bitcoin developer funding produced to date.

    Current funding of open source developers working on Bitcoin or Lightning — number of developers Source: BitMEX Research Note: Data includes only those who have a source of funding The second chart uses more of a bottom up methodology.

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    In the past Bitmain supported at least 2 developers. In the past Blockchain. The number of developers is not a perfect indicator of the overall contribution of the funder. It does not reflect the amount of funding, as some developers may be sponsored as a full time employee, while others may receive a small grant for part time work. The number of commits is a very weak indicator of contribution by developer, it is meant as an indicative proxy. Ranking developers by number of commits is only there for indicative purposes.

    Review work is important and not reflected by the number of commitments. We used an all time ranking for developer commits, however it may also be useful to look at a ranking for the past two years. We may have missed the funding of certain developers and therefore the data displayed may not reveal a complete picture.

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    Conclusion Although the funding situation could improve, in our view the data indicates that the ecosystem is in a reasonably strong situation with respect to developer funding, based on metrics such as the distribution of funders and transparency. In our view the biggest challenges going forwards are: Funding and training for new developers entering the space, More sustainable developer financing, including a large share of funding coming from retained earnings from businesses with different business models, and Ensuring developers effectively collaborate while receiving independent funding sources.

    Please Note We believe the data in this report is accurate, however it is likely we have made mistakes. Share on. Platform Status. View Status Page. Crypto Trader Digest:.

    blockstream | Richard Gendal Brown

    Sign-up to receive the latest articles delivered straight to your inbox. Sign-up here. Trade more. Register your free account. Curious about life at BitMEX? From enterprise-grade settlement networks, to consumer wallets, to Bitcoin satellites, our technology is accelerating the adoption of Bitcoin-based peer-to-peer finance. Blockstream's key innovation is in sidechains, which enable the introduction of brand new features to Bitcoin, as well as the issuance of new digital assets. Blockstream is the leading provider of both open-source and commercial Bitcoin technologies.

    We deliver a range of products and services that make the adoption of Bitcoin and peer-to-peer finance easier than ever.

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    The Liquid Network is a sidechain-based settlement platform for traders and exchanges. It enables fast and private Bitcoin transactions between users, as well as the issuance of digital assets such as stablecoins and securities. Learn More.

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